Saturday, 9 February 2013

Number 2

Well, decision made about the  transport. Going to take my own bike and found a company who will airfreight it out to Toronto for me. All insurances organised.  Basic route to firm up.

Sunday, 3 February 2013

Number 1

Longtime in the making.

The Dream....

The dream has been there for more than a decade, really ever since I returned to motorcycle in 2001.

Half of the dream! !

Ride Route 66 on a bike. It was really only that though - a dream but the "planning" and research gave me hours of pleasure. Why, well like a lot of these things if it has to be explained you probably wouldn't understand and I think if I'm honest I can't really explain - it's just there. It's the road, the distance, the history - you could say the challenge but alongside all the Round the World, Across the Icecap, Through the Desert journeys that people take nowadays a bimble down Route 66 seems relatively tame.


The other half!
It got a little bit closer to reality when I retired at the end of 2011 but the deciding factor was when my daughter moved house to live alongside the Trans Canada Highway in Ontario. A plan came together, using my daughter's home as a base why not drop down to Chicago from Ontario, ride across the USA on Route 66, then up to Vancouver on the Pacific Coast Highway and back to Ontario on the Trans Canada Highway - well why not?

Well, that's the Plan, now the Planning......

Research from an armchair is all very well but need to get a wiggle on if I'm really going to hit the road!

(Can't take the credit for this great picture of  Highway 12 in Ontario near to where I hope to start in April and finish some 7000 later  miles in June. It was put together by a very good friend from California. I couldn't even contemplate doing this trip without both his input to the planning and a visit to the home of him and his wonderful wife in San Diego)