Had a long ride
down Central Sweden today and one of the best days out on a bike ever.
Sun and a bit
of rain but great roads again through wonderful scenery – I do recommend this
part of the world. And it's so clean - can honestly say in all the miles I've done today I have not seen one lot of rubbish dumped at the side of the road.
At the beginning it was through forests that went on as far as you could see - and you could see a long way from the hills in that clear air - but further south these gave way to rolling fields and meadows and small villages – still with plenty of
The country side then had a purple theme.There were purple Lilac trees out
everywhere and the roadside verges were teeming with pink and purple lupins! I saw people picking lilac and that took me back. When I was 11 ish my dad and I went around to various people who had lilac trees and cut it to sell at market. It;s hard to remember the pre Inter-flora days isn't it.
But, again you
had to be there…
And unless you
share my anoraky interests the rest of the day would be pretty grim for you
But I had a great
day - am tired though so forgive ( or be grateful for) me being brief.
I called in at
a place called Leksand to see one of the country’s best “Homestead Museums” – I
know more old buildings, but these date back to 1600 – not in their original location
of course, they have been brought from all over southern Sweden.
Look at this “hand
rail” - that’s what you need on your cabin Gary.
Yes, there was
a church involved – this one is one of the largest Rural churches in Sweden –
it can seat 2300 - and is as it was in 1715 although parts of it date back to
There was a
free standing bell tower next to it – nothing to do with the church and I can’t
find out much about it but it was a great structure.
very nice it was too – it is
carved out of wood. And erected with
funds from the EEC. I just don’t get it!
I was tempted
by this
but the day was getting on- and I wasn’t - so sorry to disappoint you,
here’s another picture of a tractor as compensation…
You know, it could be me couldn't it!!! |
And today's “I
haven’t a clue” picture –
no I have no idea!
Bed calls...... night night