Saturday 18 May 2013

Saturday 18th May - On the Road Again - San Francisco and beyond

Woke up early and keen to be on the road. That is not to say that I really wanted to leave Lee and Gary but as I had, to let’s get it over with.  Strange how at the point of setting off anxieties that I had forgotten over the last few days returned – as I’ve said security wasn’t the issue I thought it would be but with nearly 4000 miles still to go those little things that could go wrong niggle.

I had a fairly longish haul ahead of me, I wanted to get to another Friend, Becky, in Seattle for Monday afternoon and that was 1100 miles away – do-able easily I suppose if I hopped on to the Interstate and shot straight there but that was not the plan for this trip. Between Pismo and Seattle are miles of wonderful coastline – The Pacific Coast Highway - of three States, California, Oregon and Washington.  I wouldn’t get to see it all but wanted to give it a good go.
It was a wonderful morning, none of the fog associated with that part of the coast, bright but not excessively hot. The first leg was up Highway 1 to Monterey. And now the superlatives will come pouring out again. I cannot adequately express how exhilarating, that journey was. Starting in Morro Bay

and then riding along almost at sea level, helmet flipped up  - on a bike you get all the sounds and smells, usually good, stockyards excepted – with the higher land in the distance just nudging the clouds.

Discovered that not only had they named a town after me but a Ridge too.....

Then came these beauties....

I know in the photos they look dead but I assure you the noise proved they were not!
Slowly the land rose and pushed the road over to the sea – The Big Sur – making it raise and fall and cling to the cliff edge – a great bike road although any pillion rider (pillion -a seat or place behind the rider of a motorcycle, scooter, horse, etc. for the benefit of my American host!)  may have leapt off  early on.

 Had to stop off at Julia Pfeiffer Burns State Park and walk down to see this waterfall - a ribbon of fresh water falling on to the beach.

As I approached Carmel – of Clint Eastwood fame – and Monterey I suppose of Steinbeck fame – the weekend traffic got silly, all the State Parks had signs saying Parking Lot Full and the queues into the towns were horrendous.
So what to do, well as flexibility is the 4th dimensional of planning I changed direction.

I had heard that Salinas had eventually cottoned on to the fact that John Steinbeck was worth acknowledging and had built a Steinbeck Centre so, as his work was so integral to my  trip thought I ought to go and pay homage. What a great joy that was.

It is a really well laid out “museum” not only dealing with Steinbeck’s life but expanding on all the events and circumstances which led him to write both fiction and non-fiction, including of course the Dust Bowl Migrants...

  AND, having seen all the vintage trailers at Pismo – joy of joys there in the Centre was Steinbeck’s own camper truck, “Rocinante”, his home for the 11000 mile journey chronicled in "Travels with Charley". 


 I know there’s a lot of scepticism about whether he actually did all the things he wrote about – see why I like him now!! - but if you haven’t read it, it certainly is worth doing so. Charley is a dog and there’s even a model of him in the cab – at least I think it’s a model, I don’t think he was stuffed and mounted like Roy Roger’s Horse Trigger – who incidentally I thought I had missed seeing because that Museum in Victorville was closed remember, but he was apparently sold from there by the family presumably to raise funds – made $266,500 – more than Findus would have paid I bet.

Apparently Rogers' son Roy Jr. cried at the beginning of the sale as he spoke of the family's decision to auction Roy's belongings. "We hope you get a piece of Roy and Dale and take it home and you'll get to pass it on to your children," he said. I didn’t know Roy and Dale had been stuffed and mounted too – but there you go!
Anyway, I digress, on the way into Salinas I pulled alongside a guy, David, on an American model of my bike and chatting at the lights I asked if he knew were the Steinbeck Centre was. He said he would take me there and that so that he “could visit with me”. Admit I really didn’t want to share the experience but then realised he didn’t mean that. Gary thinks we Brits have “quaint expressions – pillion above being one of them – but the American use of visit, i.e. chat informally/socially is really quite quaint too ain’t it.

From the Centre I drove across town and looked at Steinbeck’s grave – there was a note book on it and visitors from all over the world had made entries – I added my own.

David had given me some advice about a good route from Salinas to San Francisco and so  I had another great ride along the Hills overlooking the City AND THEN – I crossed the Golden Gate Bridge – again, on my own bike what an amazing feeling.
Road works, traffic and a horrendous temporary road surface caused me to miss the turn off to the hills from where I could have got that iconic photo so this one isn’t all that great – except to me!

I’d pre-booked a hotel at Willits on highway 101 so that I was sure I would make enough progress today and although I’m glad I did, all the side trips and stops I made meant I didn’t arrive until 9.30pm, twelve and a half hours after setting off and with 436 miles and heaps of memories under my belt.


Friday 17th May - Still at Pismo

Spent another day at the Trailer Rally. Admit I’m not into the finer points of refurbishing but have to say I love the colours on the older ones – think they just look so good

ok, enough already!
Went out for Lunch with Gary, Lee and their daughter Jami in San Luis Obispo which is a beautiful town but has street art reaching both ends of the spectrum of taste in my humble opinion - one end quite literally.
Apparently the good Burgers of SLO - possibly to try and compete with Beverley Hills - decided to let students decorate Utility Cabinets around town - this one was done by one of Jami's frinds and is - again in my humble opinion - really very good ...

 The other end of the spectrum is occupied by this....

Can you see what it is yet   (sorry Rolf!)    ......

                   yep, bubble/chewing gum.... made my skin creep!

However Jami more than made up for that by introducing me to a Cookie Icecream sandwich ...

 Got to spend a bit more time on the beach with Lee...

One proud mum!
 In the evening just sat around with Lee and Gary’s family eating and drinking and discussing life in general and my trip in particular.
Got talking about the areas I’d been to where the people appeared, without exception, to be odontilogically challenged. Apparently this is not something I imagined but an accepted fact. Bruce, one of Gary’s friend’s, who I hope to meet later this trip refers to such areas as having a high tattoo to tooth ratio – harsh but true. Gary’s brother in law asked me if I knew that the tooth brush was actually invented in that area. Ok, I fell for it and asked how he knew that – “because if it had been invented anywhere else it would have been called a teeth brush!”

I also raised the matter of the strange “street lights” along the route and wondered what they were.

 Well, first of all they are not street lights, they are mission bells!  They are there to mark El Camion Real – heard that tem before, so have I and raved about it didn’t I. Was so excited to be following its path. Except I now know that the phrase El Camion Real means Royal Road – ok, you knew that – and the one I followed in New Mexico was actually El Camion de Tierra Adentro – or the Royal Road of the Interior Lands – now they tell me, in very small print.  Another El Camion Real is celebrated in California and is a loose, in fact apparently a very loose – interpretation of the route - initially just a footpath - begun in 1769 by the Franciscans linking the Mission I’ve mentioned before from San Diego to Sonoma.
The greater portion of El Camino Real is now Highway 101 in California. Over seven hundred miles in length and marked by the unique and picturesque Mission Bell Guideposts and which I followed from LA to Pismo Beach and will then be following all the way through north California. The 101 then drops the fancy tag and continues on through Oregon to Washington State and Seattle. I’ll be following that tomorrow!

And just because I could – I went back to the beach at sunset!