Inari to Sodankyla ... leaving Finnish Lapland.
A "nature" day today... a break from history!
Though I knew that it was believed Finland was named by other countries because of the "fens" or swamps (Finns don't call their country that ... for a start there is no f in their alphabet) but I didn't realise how important the swampy bits ... mires as they call them ... are. Took a great walk on duckboards over one ... a peaceful experience
Also became aware of how the concious the Finns are in regard to use of pesticides and insecticides in farming. Got a 2 inch coat of bugs on my screen... almost a thing of the past in the UK... and the wild flower meadows... beautiful.
Then up onto the fells...they do call them that so that's my theories shot down...treeless slopes ideal for skiing in winter...
And down to the lakes...
Oh and more reindeer.