Had a great night's sleep in my little cabin - tidied it up a bit so can show you inside now ...
not bad eh.
I appreciate
that it sounds pretty mundane starting every blog off with a weather report but
it does make such a difference to how I feel about setting off. Once off however it really makes not a ha’porth of
This morning it
was raining again and very cold, 6°C – don’t know what that is in your money Gary
but believe me it was cold. It caused
me to play the thermal roulette game – I’ve got a warm set and a wind proof set
but do I want to peak too soon? I’ve
still a long way to go and what if it gets colder!!!
I compromised and reverted
to a pair of thick ladies tights – I won’t, for a change, state the obvious. They are in a rather fetching dark blue and match
the colour my lips go in such temperature. I do carry a disclaimer should any
of my macho biker contacts catch a glimpse of them – though a) I can’t think of
a situation where they might (* though see below) and b) most of them have probably got a pair on
too – which states I wear them for medical reasons. Anyway, it was a good call as the weather
cycled today between.6°
with icy rain and 17 with warm sun.
Sitting here writing
this in my second little cabin – see later – I have fond memories of my last
long trip when, after stopping to take a layer or two off in the baking sun I
rolled into Paradise, Montana. Believe
you me it was a much fonder memory when, in that biting icy rain today I descended
into Hell.
I’m sure it is a nice place – Hell apparently means Good Fortune in
Norwegian - but I wouldn’t make any predictions that involve it freezing over
if I were you. Arriving at the railway
station is enough to make you wish you’d led a better life!
I rode up past
Trondheim and alongside the Fjaettenfjord, a narrow inlet of the Trondheim ford
just 12 miles north of Hell where the German Battleship the Tirpitz hid away
from the Allies in the Second World War. There was a failed attempt by volunteers
from the British and Norwegian Navy to sink it with Chariots - a kind of
submersible torpedo which two sailors rode on – we can only imagine how terrifying
that must have been to take part in.
Then rode up alongside
the Namsen River, one of the longest in Norway and which is apparently great
for salmon. There are hydro-electric dams on it so they have the salmon leaps
around them. I stopped to look at one but it was closed and to be honest I don’t
know when the salmon would use it anyway.
I think he’s
the Norwegian equivalent of Mr McGregor cos he wasn’t too impressed I was in
his garden.
I am finding it
a long haul I admit. On paper, and comparing it to UK rides, 250 miles a day
doesn’t seem too onerous, but here the main road, the E6, which goes up all the
way is very twisty and mainly 70kph which is 47mph, can you believe it. I do
stop a lot for photos and stuff as well so the 250miles today took me thick end
of 8 hours.
The views again were magnificent – won’t show you too many, I guess it’s one of those “you had to be there” things.
Mind you it
wasn’t all hard work. Froggie – who has at last decided it is warm enough to
come out of my tank bag – and I took advantages of a sunny spell to enjoy a
Co-op Salad bowl al fresco! And there was a snickers bar for pudding.
Arrived at the
campsite a bit earlier today – last night it was 8 o’clock , today half past 5. Great location between the divide of a river at a place called Trofors.
I am really pleasantly surprised at how good these places are and for the price
– its £25 tonight.
I’ve just made coffee and got the coffee and pasta on!
The showers though are unisex. Nothing wrong with that I know but I must remember I’ve got my tights on …..
You can truly say you've ridden your bike to Hell and back... Those cabins look so cozy and nice. Did you book, or at least find them in advance of the trip?
ReplyDeleteTights hey - hmmmmm interesting. It will be quiche next, reindeer and cheese I bet. x