Thursday, 19 September 2019

The point of no return ....

Day 4 on the Camino. 66 miles ridden from Ponferrada to Sarria.  a very short ride but as beautiful as ever. In fact in some places the views  were the best yet - that didn't help a lot as views come from climbing!

First surprise of the day  was my long chat with my host. Fascinating, and again so humbling (using that word a lot aren't I  must mean something)

The second surprise was my bill for last nights feast. All those courses, two thirds of a bottle of no labelled red wine and a biscuit in custard. Twelve euros!  Life's good.

I'm  now settled in a hostel smack on the Camino's route out of town.

I didn't know what to expect as I'm really past hostels and sharing I guess but I am very pleasantly surprised. Yes, I have again paid a few more euros  extra to have a room to myself, the shared dorms are mixed and I  wouldn't be comfortable with that if I'm honest for a variety of reasons. The bathrooms etc are separated.  But take this one. Pristine sheets and towels in a big, clean double room ... and offered free beer on arrival.

Went out to fetch some  comfort food for tomorrow and on return offered more free beer. Either they know me or  they are very generous.

Start my walk  first light tomorrow, because of the strange time zone we are an hour ahead of you yet on same longitude do not light til gone 8.

Admit that though excited I'm still very anxious. Bike is safely locked away in a garage a short distance away so if therd is aything I haven't got that is too bad and what I have got I'm stuck with unless I dump it!

Still having difficulty with the reception so will just give you a taste of the views. Hope that's ok.

Arrived in Sarria and to be honest Froggy looks as anxious as I  am!

 Got my map and my Pilgrims Credential stamped and resdy to rock and roll this space.


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