Tuesday 7 May 2024

  Finishing the Trans Canada Highway!

Day 1   Montreal to Degelis  523 km

On way...eventually! neither was i if honest...I booked it in February.

When I went to pick up bike it wasnt't ready...Service manager thought it was wanted tomorrow. Boss not much pleased... neither was i if honest...I booked it in February.

Anyway...all squared up, including new rear tyre given distance I was planning on doing and off at midday.

The bike is exactly like my own except a little older and more battle scars but it means one less thing to overcome on the Canadian highways!

I got out of Montra

l surprisingly easy .... and at last starting on a dream 5 years in waiting...that darn covid thing! 

Not much more to add really as just a fast pull to make up for delayed start.

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