Sunday 12 May 2024

  Finishing the Trans Canada Highway!

Day 3  Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island to Baddeck, Nova Scotia 307km

Another wet ... very dawned!

Not too far to ride initially, only 53 km to Wood Islands Ferry Terminal to get the ferry across to Caribou in Nova Scotia.

I arrived at the ferry check-in nearly 3 hours early as I had been reluctant to stop on such a short journey and go through palaver of taking all my gear off.. lovely and warm on bike with it on.. sauna like if sitting inside  in it.

 The ladies in the Check-in cabin told me there were no hot drinks in the main terminal as it was too early in the season for the restaurant to be openbut I could ride down to Murray Harbour 15 minutes away to a cafe there.. . based on situation described in previous paragraph I decided that I'd rather forego hot drink and just go for a dry sit down.

In the Terminal 2 more ladies were sitting around waiting... one, the Terminal Manager, for customers and the other, the Loading Supervisor for someone or something to load. So we sat and talked and during conversation my lack of coffe came up.. "no problem" says Kelly, the loading Supervisor "I've got some" - and off she went amd made me a cup. That's the wonder of travelling - you meet people that refresh your belief in human nature.

The ferry was much bigger than I'd anticipated but, at this time of year only a few local souls, trucks - and the odd motorcyclist - me - using it.

The crossing was  unaventful but as the bow doors opened I had a glimmer of what Noah must have felt like on a bad day ... it was bucketting it down ..and this time 245km to Baddeck.

Didnt see much on this ride ... I don't use my visor... cant see through it when wet ... and my glasses were either dripping with rain or clouded with condensation ... but  I did notice the bright neon lights on Cannabis Stores glittering through the murk in some small towns offering marijuana - its been legal here since 2018 - oh so tempting!

Pleased to have arrived at Telegraph House in Baddeck.

 .. the room at Telegraph House was so warm and spacious.

Talking of  Telegraph House ... look up the history of this place... under 5th generation ownership it is seeped in communications history..

Was recommended to eat ot the Freight Shed... far better than it sounds - great fish and chips ... and of course local beer. 

Cheers ... and goodnight!

Tuesday 7 May 2024

  Finishing the Trans Canada Highway!

Day 2  Degelis, Quebec to Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island

671 km

Jet lag still making me wake up at silly o'clock so decided on an early start. A bit of a shock to find frost on the bike but airtemp was above freezing and roads dry so all was good.

In fact sun came out and it was a wonderful warm day so thought I'd push on as rain forecast tomorrow.

I did.  Left Quebec Province, crossed New Brunswick Province, briefly entered Nova Scotia .. because I missed the Highway Divide ... and then crossed over the amazing Confederation Bridge - look it up -  on to Prince Edward Island.

Stayed the night in a beautiful - once - Heritage House - in Charlottetown. Needs a bit of TLC but had just been taken over by a keen, young couple so let's hope.

As the main aim of the trip is to finish the Trans Canada Highway - with Iceberg and Moose Spotting considered a bonus - I'm not topping as much as usual because the weather forecast is dire... am seeng things to perhaps look into more on way back!

  Finishing the Trans Canada Highway!

Day 1   Montreal to Degelis  523 km

On way...eventually! neither was i if honest...I booked it in February.

When I went to pick up bike it wasnt't ready...Service manager thought it was wanted tomorrow. Boss not much pleased... neither was i if honest...I booked it in February.

Anyway...all squared up, including new rear tyre given distance I was planning on doing and off at midday.

The bike is exactly like my own except a little older and more battle scars but it means one less thing to overcome on the Canadian highways!

I got out of Montra

l surprisingly easy .... and at last starting on a dream 5 years in waiting...that darn covid thing! 

Not much more to add really as just a fast pull to make up for delayed start.

Monday 6 May 2024

  Finishing the Trans Canada Highway!

Well, Arrived safely in Montreal ...

and I have to say the new Border Control set up at the airport makes us in Uk look the third world country we are becoming.... so quick and efficient.

Suspect I got ripped off in taxi but it was rush hour .. oh how I wish I was of the Uber generation (No, not really).

A great hotel room with a balcolny overlooking La Fontaine Park   ... not what I'm used to on bike trips!

And just a 500 yard walk though the French Quarter to where I pick up the bike tomorrow ... a beer and meal in a throbbing bar ... full of the Uber generation I suspect ... and  try and avoid going to bed at 8pm local time!

Not that I am likely to sleep ... too much excitement and anxiety flowing around ....

Sunday 5 May 2024

 Finishing the Trans Canada Highway!

In final stages of packing for trip out to Montreal to hopefully complete my journey across Canada on the Trans Canada Highway all the way to St John's this space!